Tango Kleid Designer

are you uncertain about the choice of fabric or a color? we are happy to send you a fabric sample.
jersey fabrics
our jersey is made of 92% breathable microfiber and 8% elastane. the fabric has a wonderful fall, is cool to the touch, dimensionally stable, easy to clean and colourfast. we have been working for over 10 years with this high quality material.
the glitter jersey fabrics (special fabrics) match the colors of the jerseys and can be used for example. for a whole dress, a top, or just for a valance, or for a cuff to be used.
new! All models can also be ordered in organic cotton at an additional charge of 15, - € per meter of fabric consumption. the colors can be viewed on this website:
the patterned fabrics are mostly viscose.
the glitter jersey fabrics are made from a high-quality microfibre and match the colors of the jerseys and can be used, for example. for a whole dress, or just for a flounce, or for a cuff. be creative, I'll be happy to advise you by phone or email.
I also like to send you a fabric sample if you unsure what to take.
all our fabrics are perfect for dancing. they all have a particularly beautiful fall, are skin-friendly, breathable and easy to care for.
unsere stoffe eignen sich hervorragend zum tanzen. sie haben alle einen besonders schönen fall, sind hautsympatisch, atmungsaktiv und pflegeleicht.
sind sie sich bei der stoffauswahl oder den farben unsicher? wir schicken ihnen gerne ein stoffmuster.
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